The world is a sick place. i don’t mean “sick” as in “perverted”; i mean ill. Ailing. Diseased. Neurotic. Case in point: sexual harassment.
No, i’m not about go on a PMS-fueled tirade about how Men are pigs for viewing girls as sexual objects (pa-leez!). What upsets me is that we even talk about sexual harassment, that there is even a concept called “sexual harassment”. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH “SEXUAL HARASSMENT”. it should be a non-issue. It’s natural. It’s healthy. It’s even fun (yes, for us girls too). And i guess that’s the problem. It seems that anything fun and natural has to be illegal and immoral; and that’s the sickness.
Here are some examples of sexual harassment i found from a casual browse of the web:
• Sexual innuendoes, unwanted jokes, comments, gestures, offensive words on clothing, and unwelcome comments and repartee.
• Unwelcome touching of a person’s body, hair or clothing and any other bodily contact such as scratching, patting, pinching, backrubs, neck rubs, brushes, hugs, kneesies, blocking, cornering, or pinning against the wall.
• Repeated requests for dates that are turned down or unwanted flirting.
• Transmitting or posting emails or pictures of a sexual or other harassment-related nature.
• Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or posters.
• Playing sexually suggestive music.
• Disparaging remarks to a person about his/her gender or body
• Intrusive sexually explicit questions.
• Rating a person's sexuality.
• Ogling or leering, staring at a woman's breast or man's derriere.
• Spreading rumors about a person's sexuality.
• Name-calling, such as "bitch", "whore" or "slut".
• Letters, notes, telephone calls, or material of a sexual nature.
Playing music? Jokes? Questions? Backrubs and neck rubs? And what exactly are “kneesies”?
When reading through sexual harassment policies, you’ll see words like “unwelcome” or “unwanted” a lot. If i’m secretly lusting after my boss, he’s allowed to give me all the kneesies he wants; otherwise, it’s harassment. But how is he to know if i’m lusting? He can’t ask me; that’s harassment. He can’t tell me that he likes me or try to flirt; that’s harassment too. Would it be simpler if we just chemically castrated all Men? i’m sure that’s next.
The truth is that we like being sexy; we like being desired. i personally love neck rubs. And if some old crone at the office doesn’t like your Playboy screensaver, well that’s just a matter of taste. You probably hate her shoes.
But there’s a more basic point to be made. It’s true that these activities are natural and (mostly) harmless, but even if they weren’t, they shouldn’t be illegal. Employer/employee plus Male/female leads to an inescapable conclusion: a girl’s boss has a right to her body.
Ok, let’s take this step by step. girls are chattel; Men own us. i think most of you understand this point, but if you don’t, i’ll revisit in a later post. For now, just go with me (or read some of the excellent websites i link to). So if we’re property, what does it mean when we take jobs? We’re not selling our labor power, since it’s not ours to sell. Anything we are and anything we can possibly offer belongs to our Masters. A job is really a Man or a corporation leasing us.
Think about when you lease a car. You promise to take good care of it and return it in good condition. You can’t sell it or wreak it or modify it too much, but other than that you can pretty much use it any way you want to. The lease doesn’t say you can only use it to drive to work, or that you can sit in the front seat but not the back. It doesn’t say the radio is off limits. You may not own the car but for the next three years or so, you can use it like you do.
A job is a little different, since we’re not chained to our desks (or our boss’ desks) 24/7. (Although that may come one day.) It’s more like we’re rented out during the work day and then returned to our owners each evening. But like a Man who pays for use of a car, our bosses who hire us can pretty much treat us like their own property.
Answer the phone? No problem. Get you coffee? Of course, i don’t mind. Lift up my skirt? Well you have a right to see what you’re paying for. Whether you want us to balance your books, do your filing or swallow your cum, it’s your right to use us as you wish, and it’s our duty to do our best to please and serve well. And if we don’t perform to your standards, we should be punished, first by you, and then by our Owners when they learn of our shame.
That’s the deal when a Man hires a girl. So where’s the harassment?
I am commenting here mainly as encouragement for further posts to be added to this blog. The anti-feminist viewpoint is one that is too often poorly represented. It is refreshing to read opinions such as this that are unhindered by the social norms of today. I will admit my basic distinction between men and women is different from yours, but many aspects still fit together regardless.
ReplyDeleteThis was a very insightful post. Sexual harassment rules have drawn the line way too broadly. Women of the past lived with the occasional pat on the bottom, and women of today could just as easily do so as well. These rules are definitely more of a hindrance than a convenience for most people involved.
What I would like to see introduced to the workplace is traditional corporal punishment for female employees. Sexual harassment rules of course totally preclude this, but spanking is still one of the best ways to correct a female whose behavior needs to be changed. Many people would say leave that for her father, boyfriend, husband, etc. at home. It's true that it can work that way, but you have to consider the fact that a large amount of a female employee's time will be spent at work. This has already been recognized for students attending school; why should work be different?
The car analogy works here. If a car you are leasing is having an issue, you could report it to the dealership and have them correct it. That would take time and you can't know exactly what's being done. It would be much easier to just pop the hood yourself and take care of it on the spot. Especially considering the solution to the problem is an obvious one.
It goes without saying that in order to properly spank clothes will have to come off. Even moreso than pain embarrassment is a great teacher. Whether it be a private bare bottomed hand spanking over a boss's lap or a naked strapping in front of the whole office, it will get the point across.
As far as a female employee being made to swallow a boss's cum, I don't think it would be a bad thing in principle. The person leasing her may not approve though. It would make more sense to put this in the job description at the start to ensure everyone understands what will be required of her. The person leasing her may even expect more payment for rendering services such as these on a regular basis.
Keep up the blog! I'm already eager to read more posts.
Thanks for the words of encouragement! i totally agree with you about corporal punishment at the work place. Putting blow jobs on the job description wouldn’t be a bad thing, but i’d love to live in a world where bjs under the boss’s desk are just assumed. Why else would he hire a girl? Thanks again.