i'm not celibate, and my lovers are quite capable of bringing me to orgasm. i haven’t cum, because i haven’t been allowed to cum. My Owner strictly controls my body’s pleasure and pain. i'm not permitted to reach orgasm (or even masturbate) without His consent, and when He commands it, i must climax almost instantly. Failure in either guarantees terrible punishment.
Men have known for thousands of years that girls are more easily managed when their bodily functions are regulated. This is especially true of the female orgasm. Unlike the Male orgasm, which is the very basis of reproduction (and therefore, of life itself), there is no biological necessity for the female orgasm. girls never need to cum. Some cultures practice an extreme form of orgasm denial known as female circumcision – the surgical removal of the clitoris. The effectiveness of this method cannot be refuted, but it is a severe and permanent measure.
The reasons for denying a girl orgasm are fairly obvious. A girl pursuing her own pleasure is not wholly focused on pleasing her Master – her one true purpose in life. Failing in this mission, she is useless. Thus it seems a kindness to deprive her of one aspect of life (the orgasm) rather than allow her entire existence to be wasted. While some Men dismiss the matter at that, others believe that a subtler approach bears more fruit. Rather than completely denying a girl orgasm, some Men strictly control a girl’s orgasms, granting them infrequently as rare gifts.
There are two advantages to this approach. Firstly, girls respond to both the carrot and the stick, and an orgasm makes a very nice carrot (and vice versa?). More importantly, training a girl to control her orgasms teaches her discipline and submission. she learns that her body is completely under her Master’s command, and it takes real concentration and devotion to keep climax in check.

But more frequently, my failures are on the other side. i’ve missed several opportunities to cum by not being able to orgasm on command. When the command is anticipated, i can prepare myself and release at the instant the word is spoken. But when i don’t expect it when the word comes, i'm often too slow in executing. Within a few seconds, my Owner will grow impatient and withdrawal permission. Not only will i have deprived myself of a hugely generous gift, but i’m sure to be soundly whipped for my disobedience. Of course i could fake an orgasm. (i'm quite good at it.) But lying to her Owner is the worst sin a girl can commit. i have lied to my Owner and faked orgasms for him when i was younger, but i don’t do it any more. i'd rather suffer the lash than live with that guilt.

When i confessed this to my Owner, He wisely bound my hands to my headboard as he tucked me in and released me the next morning. Bound in this manner, i'd grow even more aroused. i'd wither and writhe. i'd turn on my belly and rub against the mattress, necessitating that my feet me bound, spread apart, so that i remained securely on my back. Of course, this lead to even greater arousal. i'd fantasize about being taken by force in this vulnerable state. But it did keep me from rubbing. i learned greater control in time.

i'm certain that these measures have made me a better girl, and hopefully, they have made me better able to serve and please my Owner. My Master. My Everything.
Great topic. I'd like to take a second to post my thoughts on masturbation. I made a poll awhile back about it which I see that you voted in recently. Mainly I wanted to point out the various options that exist to control this sort of behavior. I'm sure for many it can seem like an uphill battle, but nobody ever said caring for a girl is easy. There are resources online detailing methods for keeping masturbation in check. Every punishment given will be one step towards changing her sexual independence into dependence.
ReplyDeleteIt's true that unlike male orgasms, female orgasms are a privilege. Just like clothing, TV, car, etc. they should be able to be taken away when her behavior warrants it. This is why I think regulation is the better choice versus total denial. It goes without saying that a girl can't be watched 24/7. She will be able to get away with things sometimes. You can only deny privacy whenever possible and be diligent in monitoring her. In the end she will no doubt be thankful for all the time and attention you have given to help her. I wish everyone who decides to start this good luck in their efforts!
Try bringing yourself to the edge of orgasm as soon as possible. Then begin the denial. I find it intensifies the experience. I love watching my little one squirm, begging with every fiber of her being for sweet release.
ReplyDeleteWonderfull. Deeelicious. Adorable. Join me in Heaven, girly, where we can make love for the length and breadth of eternity. Cannot git any better than that. God bless you.