Let’s try to put aside the demon of child molestation for a moment and consider the question of child discipline. All effective discipline has its roots in corporate punishment. Punish the girl by punishing her body, and control the girl by controlling her body. we are our bodies. And our bodies are sexual. Anything sensual is sexual, and therefore, any and all effective discipline has a sexual component. It can’t be avoided, so the only choices remaining are to completely avoid discipline or to deny the sexuality of discipline and plunge ourselves further into sickness. Or, we can acknowledge the truth of discipline and embrace it.
Some people believe that the Father shouldn’t discipline girls, delegating that authority to the mother. But this is based on a misconception. It’s not just the act of striking flesh with hand, stick or strap that is sexual, all exercise of authority over a person is sexual. When a Man feels arousal as He reprimands His wife or secretary, or when a girl feels a surge of electricity run through her when Her husband stomps His foot down and announces His final edict, it’s because we’re responding to the sexual energy emitting from the exercise of power. When a Father confines His daughter to her room without supper, He may experience sexual excitement over His successful domination. There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s natural and human. And for her part, she may whine and protest and make all manner of declarations, but each time she submits her will to His, her respect for Him, and her sexual desire of Him, will increase.
The point is that there is sexual energy in any human relationship, and certainly in the one between Father and daughter. This isn’t a new idea; it was obvious to Freud. And as Freud observed, it’s the denial of these natural desires that leads to mental and societal illness. So choose a healthier route. If you’re not afraid to ground your daughter, neither should be you afraid to spank her.
The discipline and training of a daughter is not unlike the training of a wife, and the relationship between Father and daughter is not so dissimilar to the relationship between Husband and wife. A proper Husband simply takes up the training of a girl where her Father left off.

i think these were saner times than our own. Better times in many ways. i’d like to see a return to these Truths and values. i urge all Fathers to discipline their daughters as They should.
Situations where a father is excluded from disciplining a daughter due to concerns of impropriety strike me as ridiculous. In order to spank effectively at least some, if not all, clothing must be removed. This is obviously the justification used for excluding males like her father. It is also the reason why other males such as cousins, uncles, friends, and neighbors etc may not be allowed to witness these punishments. There is an underlying assumption that a teenage or adult female should never have to be seen naked by males against her own wishes. So she is spared the greater humiliation of having her formerly private charms on display for these males. Preventing males from partaking in her punishments is counterproductive. The added humiliation of being disciplined by a male or having male witnesses would be a greater deterrent to ensure she does not repeat her mistakes. Furthermore, excluding males from her punishments may even cause her to only respect the opinions or authority of females.
ReplyDeleteArousal is a poor excusue to not properly discipline a daughter. These feelings are simply a side effect of the process and should be treated as such. As to why it happens, I think it has to do with self-awareness. A child is much less self-aware than an teenage girl or an adult. As the child ages self-awareness will increase and give them a stronger potential for free will. It is the act of denying this free will that produces a sense of satisfaction and even arousal. A husband or father will be able to make better judgment calls than his wife or daughter in most cases. It is his duty to override their wishes with his own, no matter how arousing it may be for himself or those involved. I would never suggest arousal be ignored, however these feelings are a separate issue to be dealt with after the fact.
I agree that disciplining a daughter is a lot like disciplining a wife. Frequent spankings and extended loss of clothing are some of the best ways to ensure obedience in both cases. If she is disciplined properly in this way there will of course be many situations where others will see her naked. Although she may hate it, there is no harm in this. The female body is a piece of art to be appreciated after all. Hiding it away is a waste. I also agree that a father should be free to walk in on his daughter changing or bathing. Every relative and family friend should be familiar with a girl's naked form just from occasions where she has been punished. Aside from that it should be a simple matter to ask her father or husband for permission to undress her. Full or partial nudity goes a long way in ensuring a girl is cooperative and willing to listen. I'd go so far as to say that if you intend to have a serious discussion with a girl, the first step should always be to take her panties away from her. Society's views may change but common sense shouldn't.
i hadn't considered it before, but i think you're right about taking away a girl's panties when you want to have a serious discussion. It would certainly get my attention and keep it! Thank you Ace for your always insightful comments.
ReplyDeleteExcept for holding a nappy (menstrual pad), panties/knickers are a useless item of clothing. They make the vulva (snatch; twat) damp and unventilated, which makes a choice dark, warm, damp place for bacteria to breed and stink. That, in turn, sells "feminine hygiene deodorants" and other crap to counter the stench. They next irritate the tender tissues, thereby selling more "feminine hygiene products."
DeleteThe healthiest vulva is bare under a short skirt, which allows light and fresh air in the area. For the painfully modest girl a slightly looser underskirt will obscure any possible glimpse of her most precious possession.
Except for holding a nappy (menstrual pad), panties/knickers are a useless item of clothing. They make the vulva (snatch; twat) damp and unventilated, which makes a choice dark, warm, damp place for bacteria to breed and stink. That, in turn, sells "feminine hygiene deodorants" and other crap to counter the stench. They next irritate the tender tissues, thereby selling more "feminine hygiene products."
DeleteThe healthiest vulva is bare under a short skirt, which allows light and fresh air in the area. For the painfully modest girl a slightly looser underskirt will obscure any possible glimpse of her most precious possession.