There is an abundance of literature on the Internet on the proper discipline of wives by Husbands, but much less information is available on the punishment of daughters by our Fathers. This is clearly the result of our hyper-sensitivity to child molestation. We can’t seem to distinguish between children and sexually mature young adults, and our failure in this judgment has lead to further societal neuroses. We simultaneously crucify Men accused of sexual relations with teen-aged girls while we lustfully pursue the archetype of the schoolgirl. How does a girl in her 20s, 30s or 40s (or even older?) make herself more sexually appealing? she dresses and acts like a 15 year old.
Let’s try to put aside the demon of child molestation for a moment and consider the question of child discipline. All effective discipline has its roots in corporate punishment. Punish the girl by punishing her body, and control the girl by controlling her body. we are our bodies. And our bodies are sexual. Anything sensual is sexual, and therefore, any and all effective discipline has a sexual component. It can’t be avoided, so the only choices remaining are to completely avoid discipline or to deny the sexuality of discipline and plunge ourselves further into sickness. Or, we can acknowledge the truth of discipline and embrace it.
Some people believe that the Father shouldn’t discipline girls, delegating that authority to the mother. But this is based on a misconception. It’s not just the act of striking flesh with hand, stick or strap that is sexual, all exercise of authority over a person is sexual. When a Man feels arousal as He reprimands His wife or secretary, or when a girl feels a surge of electricity run through her when Her husband stomps His foot down and announces His final edict, it’s because we’re responding to the sexual energy emitting from the exercise of power. When a Father confines His daughter to her room without supper, He may experience sexual excitement over His successful domination. There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s natural and human. And for her part, she may whine and protest and make all manner of declarations, but each time she submits her will to His, her respect for Him, and her sexual desire of Him, will increase.
The point is that there is sexual energy in any human relationship, and certainly in the one between Father and daughter. This isn’t a new idea; it was obvious to Freud. And as Freud observed, it’s the denial of these natural desires that leads to mental and societal illness. So choose a healthier route. If you’re not afraid to ground your daughter, neither should be you afraid to spank her.
The discipline and training of a daughter is not unlike the training of a wife, and the relationship between Father and daughter is not so dissimilar to the relationship between Husband and wife. A proper Husband simply takes up the training of a girl where her Father left off.

In days past, wives and daughters would kneel before the Patriarch, and no one would ever question the propriety of a Husband striping His wife naked and whipping her – even in the public street – or of a Father giving His daughter similar treatment. Before our society gave ay to Puritanical values, no one would question a Man entering His daughter’s bedroom or bath unannounced, or of her standing or kneeling naked before her Father – her Master. She is, after all, His property, and it is His right to inspect His property at any time.
i think these were saner times than our own. Better times in many ways. i’d like to see a return to these Truths and values. i urge all Fathers to discipline their daughters as They should.